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STEM Research Grant

$0 of $100,000 raised

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Donation Total: $5 One Time


For a variety of reasons, it can be difficult for even thoroughly credentialed research teams to obtain research grants for their projects. Fortunately, many other entities exist to address this exact issue. Our purpose is to add to that pool of academic research resources, but in a public-facing way. 

Our peer review volunteers are primarily sourced from our creator community and we ask those creators to make their reviews public, as content. Working through our grant program affords researchers with the opportunity to bring big ideas to the public eye.


Inspired by Ellie Arroway in the movie “Contact”, we want to make sure benevolent, thought-provoking ideas are supported. We hope to establish a continuous funding channel from which we can enable research and development projects which push humanity, as a whole, in a mutually and collectively beneficial direction.

Prospective grant candidates are welcome to apply for a research grant here. From the list of applicants for each grant cycle, an internal review board will select the grant recipient.

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Our hope is to ensure that research teams with big ideas derived from benevolent thinking have a means to sustain their research. We require some degree of professional verification for grant applications, as well as a short list of information pertaining to the goals and objectives of the proposed research.

Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.– ALBERT SZENT-GYORGYI

We encourage our grant recipients to publish their research through our internal publishing service: HERE. All research we publish is peer-reviewed by credentialed academic creators and made publicly available, free of charge. 

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